Wednesday 9 September 2015

The Importance of English for Me

Being a Singaporean and belonging to a minority ethnic group, English as a tool of communication is important to me. Majority of my friends are from other ethnic groups, so English is the primary language that creates a common bond among us. It is also the language I use to communicate with my parents, as I do not know how to speak in my mother tongue.

English is also a universal language that makes it easier to communicate with people from other parts of the world, and creates a common identity among nations. English is everywhere; in social media, in the movies we watch, in the in the games we play and even in the music we listen to every day. Most of the content produced on the internet (50%) is in English. So knowing English will allow you access to an incredible amount of information which may not be otherwise available!

For these reasons, English plays an important role in my life.

(Edited: 3:00 AM, 11 Sept 2015)


  1. Hi Nat,

    I liked that your reflection is a very simple and sweet one though i feel that it needs a little more personal touch to how English affects your day to day activities.Like how it affects you in a negative or positive way.


  2. Thank you, Nathaniel, for this short reflection. It gives a very general explanation of why English might be of importance for you interpersonally. However, like Muhammad, I feel that you need to make this a more precise reflection by giving more detail on the importance of English for you, in your studies and career. In short, this seems a bit superficial as far as the task is concerned.

    Here are a few other areas of concern:

    1) Being a Singaporean and belonging to a minority ethnic group, English as a tool of communication is important to me. >>> According to this sentence, who is Singaporean? "English"? YES!

    2) So knowing English will allow you access to an incredible amount of information which may not be otherwise available! >>> You? Me? be careful about speaking to "me" in your writing.

    Let's work on this.

  3. Hi Nathanael,

    I learn something new about you (I didn't know you are not able to speak in your mother tongue).

    A short and sweet post with many interesting facts. However, it seems to be lacking of 'your' feeling about English in your post; I think your reflection will feel more complete if it is added on to the current reflection.


  4. Hi Nathanael,

    After reading your post, I feel that you barely talked about the importance of English in depth. Personally to me, it feels like a summary because I know you are a very expressive person and likes to share your thoughts or feelings. More efforts in terms of feelings could be added but in all, it is still a good short post.

    Hope to hear more of your expressive post and let's work together with a common goal to be expressive as well as learn to be better at English during this Effective Communication module.

